Let's be real, being sexy remotely is like having a secret weapon in your relationship arsenal - it keeps things spicy and exciting, and gives you something to look forward to when you finally get to be together in person.
What is remote seduction? It is a way to attract your man, or any man, without any contact whatsoever. All it takes is the power of your mind, the ability to visualize and a little practice. I wrote the book "How to Make Him BURN With Desire...Only For You and it explains in detail how to use remote seduction to attract your man. The book uses a unique technique that assists you in attracting your "target". Your target can be someone you know, an "ex", a stranger, a co-worker....absolutely anyone.
What is unique about my technique is that you will actually call your mate to you before beginning your remote seduction visualization. Thoughts are very powerful and while most people don't realize it they have the power to attract many, many things into their lives. One of them is a mate. When you use the power of remote seduction your target will be attracted to you and drawn to you without you ever speaking to him. He will think the ideas and thoughts are his own but they are thoughts that you have intentionally placed there with the power of your imagination and intention.
For instance, if there is a co-worker that you desire and he has paid no attention to you this would be the perfect technique for you. Flirting is so obvious and it takes your power away from you to seem so available and be the initiator. It is best to sit back, use the visualization and make him chase you. And he will be unable to keep you off his mind. He will find that he is drawn to you so powerfully that he is literally unable to resist. You can be friendly, nice, cute, funny but not assertive. He will be putty in your hands. An "ex"....well he is toast when you use the technique because you have been intimate and already know how to push his buttons. This is a great way to get him back and take back your power, especially if he was the one who broke off the relationship.
How to do it? First, you need to be in a relaxed state of mind. I MP3s to guide you and assist you in reaching the optimum state of mind. Then you need to call him to you using the technique I write about in my books. It gets his attention and he will immediately feel a strong and powerful thought and presence of you when you use it. Next, you will visualize all kinds of intimacy with him. Many readers have reported themselves having a pleasurable and spontaneous orgasm when they use the RS technique. It is truly as if you are having a sexual encounter. He feels it, too. The power and intensity can be so strong and profound that it will feel real to you both.
What else happens? Well ladies, when you use the remote seduction technique men from your past will feel it and frequently contact you, men that are not targeted will be drawn to you, actually men from everywhere will be at your beck and call. Why? As you raise your frequency and vibration you will attract men like you've never attracted them before. It is as if you have the inner and outer glow that is achieved usually only after a sexual encounter. You will have your choice of any man you desire by learning this unique way to seduce a man. If you want to attract a partner this is the absolute best way to get his attention. Plus, you can secretly do it 24/7 and no one will ever know. ;-)