Tired of Dating Drama? learn how to Break the Cycle!
Ever feel like you’re caught in the storm of relationship drama – dealing with narcissists, cheaters, liars, or commitment-phobes? If you’re tired of the toxic cycles and ready for a real change, these companion meditations (from my PW2 method) are exactly what you need to turn things around!
Imagine having a secret weapon – a method that helps you transform your relationship without the endless heartache. Enter my “secret” techniques meditations! These powerful guided meditations are designed to help you subtly influence your partner's behavior and shift the dynamics of your relationship – all while boosting your own confidence and self-worth.
How Can Meditations Help with Toxic Relationships?
These meditations aren’t your typical “calm and relax” routines. They’re specifically crafted to work on a deeper, subconscious level to influence your partner’s behavior. Backed by the science of mind and energy, these meditations tap into the power of telepathic influence – a subtle form of mental communication that helps you guide your partner’s thoughts and actions. It’s not about controlling anyone; it’s about aligning intentions and opening the door to deeper connection.
By practicing these meditations regularly, you can:
❤️ Influence your partner’s behavior in a positive, loving way
❤️ Strengthen emotional connections and boost loyalty
❤️ Help your partner commit and feel more open to long-term love
❤️ Inspire truthfulness and honesty in your relationship
❤️ Prevent cheating by creating a deeper emotional bond
❤️ Transform toxic behaviors like narcissism or dishonesty into understanding and care
What’s The Magic of Telepathic Influence?
These companion meditations use a subtle form of mental telepathy to tap into your partner’s subconscious mind. Without them even realizing it, you can influence their thoughts, nudging them toward love, commitment, and loyalty. Think of it like planting a seed – a gentle suggestion that helps steer their behavior in a positive direction. Quantum physics supports this kind of mind-to-mind connection, and trust me, it works like a charm!
How Can You Turn a Player Into a Partner?
By using these meditations, you’ll not only see shifts in your relationship, but you’ll also feel empowered. You’ll regain confidence, break free from toxic patterns, and start attracting the kind of love and respect you deserve. Women all over the world have used these meditations to turn their relationships around – from chaotic and hurtful to loving, loyal, and strong.
Why not give it a try? Let these powerful meditations guide you toward the relationship you’ve always wanted!
Change Someone's Mindset easily
Let me tell you that changing someone's attitude can be difficult — without the secrets in this program taken from my best selling book. It's like trying to convince a cat to take a bath - it ain't gonna happen without some serious coaxing.
But fear not, my sisters, because I'm here to help. This program is designed to change anyone’s behavior — even the worst of the worst. It’s got you covered and you’re gonna love it!
(link at the bottom of the page)
Arrogant, flirtatious, self-centered, know-it-all, cocky and thinks the world revolves around them. They don’t easily feel sympathy OR empathy because they believe others are there to serve them and fulfill their wishes. Easy to fall in love with but difficult to get them to commit.
This exercise will be to shift their awareness to their mate — YOU! To put you at the center of their life and to believe, without a doubt, that they need YOU to make them happy.
Their world will begin to shift and revolve around you and what makes you happy! About time wouldn’t you say? ;-)
He’s literally swept you off your feet in a short amount of time and it’s a heady, intoxicating feeling but is it real? The love bomber knows exactly what to say and do to keep you on a rollercoaster ride in the relationship. The ups and downs make you dizzy and when he ghosts you it leaves you devastated.
Change the dynamics of the relationship TODAY. This meditation will have him either emotionally attach and change his behavior OR leave and regret it forever. You don’t want someone who’s insincere, takes advantage and not interested in a long-term, monogamous relationship. Make it real or let the door hit him in the ass on his way OUT!
cheating man
It is possible to get your cheater to change and the statements and visualization in this meditation is the perfect way to do it!
If you’re ready to make your man feel physically ill, have regret or guilt when he even thinks of cheating this exercise will put a smile on your face.
It’s totally possible to change your cheating mate into the man of your dreams! He’ll believe that he’s the one who WANTS to change and be faithful and he’ll never know you had anything to do with his decision.
I love the power and control it gives you ANYTIME you choose. From a cheating dog to a lap dog your man will be faithful to ONLY YOU!
This meditation will influence him to CHANGE!
break up a relationship
If your man is actively cheating OR if you feel there’s another woman trying to come between you and your relationship — this is the technique to use.
This visualization will have her actually disappearing from his life and she won’t come back. Also, there are statements you’ll make to him and to her to ensure that she’ll lose interest and move on.
Have her evaporate and disappear from his life and break the attraction between them. Powerful exercise that allows you to control the outcome of your man’s attraction to anyone else.
how to keep him from cheating
This meditation will allow you to surround him with your energy and essence and it’s a great way to claim your man. Women won’t find him quite so desirable because he will literally have your energy around him 24/7.
He won’t be as tempted to cheat or look at other women because your energy will be surrounding him and influencing him. It’s like you’ve wrapped your arms around your man and he’ll be able to FEEL it.
Starting at the top of his head you’ll go down his entire body claiming him as your own. While it isn’t specifically designed to keep him faithful by stating “you won’t cheat” it isn’t necessary with this meditation. Your energy will be enough to make him desire NOT to cheat!
men who lie
I’ve used this technique many times and I’ve found that the liar you’re using it on will be unable to continue lying. Even men who lie on a constant and regular basis will begin to tell the truth and the whole truth.
The commands and statements in this visualization are simple yet effective. Men who lie do it because they can get away with it, they have no remorse or guilt and they justify their behavior.
Force your man to tell you the truth and make him wonder why the hell he’s doing it. It’s like they’re under your designated “spell” and they can’t tell a lie.
If you’re chasing your man you need to STOP right now this instant! Chasing him isn’t going to win him over but it will make him run even faster.
“If you love him let him go and if he comes back he was meant to be yours.” I don’t believe that’s true at all. If you love him and he’s afraid of commitment take control of the situation and convince him in a non-traditional, unique and effective manner. His mind will believe what you intentionally place in it.
I encourage you to try something different and make this meditation a part of your life if you’re currently involved with a man who won’t commit to you. You’re implanting thoughts at a subconscious level and it will most definitely influence his thoughts on commitment.
make him think of you
This visualization will allow you to place a barrier much like a concrete or brick wall around him and put your thoughts, desires and feelings into it. It allows a continuation of influence around the clock because, using your intention, the thoughts aren’t going anywhere.
I absolutely love this visualization because it allows you to relax and stop worrying about whether he’s receiving your messages. Although he can’t fail to receive them when using ANY of my meditations this one is especially effective.
There are specific statements and imagery involved for the most efficacy but you’ll have a few minutes to place any thoughts or feelings you desire into the barrier. It also works to deflect the energy and influence of others and it prevents cheating. ;-)
If you’re with a man who’s a jealous, critical, controlling jerk this meditation is extremely important. Not only does it address the behavior of your mate but there are also statements and affirmations for YOU.
Living with a control freak is no way to live your life. You may have a lot of time and energy invested in your relationship so leaving isn’t an option. Make him WANT to change and be fearful that if he doesn’t you’ll leave or the Law of Karma will bite him in the butt.
Empowering yourself will yield great results because you can never please the controller enough for his satisfaction. It’ll always be something else they require of you and it’s a dead-end street if you don’t take back your power. Make him “see the light” and desire the change today!
ambivalent man
The ambivalent mate is EXTREMELY “wishy-washy” and it’s enough to make you want to scream at the top of your lungs! They don’t know whether to stay or leave, commit or run away and they drive you crazy with their confused behavior.
Part of their ambivalence is they don’t want to make the wrong decision so they choose to leave their options open. They love you one minute and the next they may despise you. It’s a painful situation to be in when you’re in a relationship with them. It can definitely affect your self-esteem because just when you think they’re ready to move forward they say — “hold on, I’ve changed my mind.”
This meditation is different than the commitment phobe meditation. This one allows him to be “convinced” that he’s making the right decision. You’re not an option — you’re a necessity. ;-)
ABUSive man
WARNING: Graphic Physical Visualization
I can’t stand for women to be hurt in any manner but when your man abuses you mentally or physically I believe it’s time to get physical.
This visualization is graphic and it will take you step-by-step through causing him pain in his heart, gut or testicles. You’ve read about how I affected John physically. It’s no joke and it’s 100% absolutely true.
Just through your intent and connection you can cause physical pain to another person. I’m not responsible for the outcome and I’m not suggesting you do it but I’m giving you the steps to create it. WORD OF WARNING - IT WORKS!
It’s a proven fact that men who are cheap with their money are also stingy with love. If moths fly out of his wallet every time he opens it then he’s a tightwad.
You can hint at what you want, you can threaten to leave, you can withhold sex the way he withholds money, you can hope he’ll change OR — you can change him! There’s nothing worse than being with a man who’s a cheap ass so let’s change him.
Remember, all the statements you implant into his subconscious will be incorporated into his belief system. So change the way he feels about money starting today. You don’t have to be a Sugar Baby to want a little financial treat (although it’s okay if you are). Unless he’s a dead broke dude he’ll respond to your guided “suggestions”.
BALL OF LIGHT meditation
The best and most effective way to send your thoughts AND emotions is with the ball of energy meditation. You can actually create the ball of energy while using this guided meditation and place your thoughts and feelings in it throughout the day.
Most readers have felt emotional about their relationship and that emotion goes out into the cosmos without any direction at all. Remember, connecting to your partner is necessary if you want them to feel and experience the thoughts and emotions you desire. Thoughts without direction are just “thoughts”.
You can feel negativity even if you can’t see it! When someone has a negative thought about you, especially if you’re intimately involved, it affects you at a deep level.
This meditation deflects negativity and reflects it back like a mirror to them. It’s not meant to harm them or be cruel. It’s meant to allow them to feel and experience what they’re wishing for you. The Law of Karma at work instantly.
It can also be used for those you love and care for when they’re sending positive thoughts. The positive thoughts will automatically reflect back to them as they’re blessed. It’s a mirror reflecting back whatever is being directed at you.
buy bundles & save 30%
“PW” 2 BUNDLE #1
Other Woman Meditation
Ambivalent “Fence-Sitter” Meditation
Ball of Light Meditation
Cheapskate Meditation
Deflecting Negativity Meditation
Commitment Phobe Meditation
Making “Other Woman” Disappear Meditation
“PW” 2 BUNDLE #2
Abuser Meditation
“You Are Mine” Keeping Him Faithful Meditation
Liar Meditation
Controller Meditation
Narcissist Meditation
Love Bomber Meditation
Influence Mate 24/7 Meditation