Attract men like a maget
Magnetic attraction is like trying to separate two magnets that are stuck together - it's impossible, and you're likely to lose a fingernail in the process.
1. Get into a relaxed state of mind and try to get your mind into the alpha state. It is the perfect state of mind because you're able to tap into the universal energy.
2. When you connect with your POI take your time to engage all of your senses. Touch them, feel them, smell them and make the encounter as real as possible.
3. Your POI will begin to feel powerful emotions toward you so treat them as you normally would. Don't be coy, flirtatious, aggressive or anything out of the ordinary. Give them time to react to their emotions without "pushing the boundaries".
4. Get yourself aroused as well as your POI because that proves you are really connected. Just as you can have an orgasm in your sleep, just by the power of your mind, you can get aroused enough during your visualization to really FEEL as if the encounter were real.
5. After the visualization take time to bask in their energy, breathe in their essence, cuddle, kiss and bond. Why? You want more than a booty call so this ensures that they are emotionally attached.
6. Remote seduction creates a bond between you and your POI that is like the feeling of "falling in love". If you believe it's working, and it is, then you should not let fear and doubt creep in.
7. You will be a magnet to all men so ENJOY IT! Women should love the attention of the opposite sex as much as men love giving it. Don't sit around sad-faced because your POI isn't beating down your door. Enjoy the attention of others while you wait for him to react.
8. You'll get faster results if you use my guided BWD meditation because you will get into the magical manifesting faster, deeper and longer than trying to do it on your own.